Happy Monday all. My internets were down ALL weekend (grrrr!). It was so hard to be unplugged, but honestly, it was so stifling h-o-t in my house, I'm not sure how much I'd have gotten accomplished anyways...
This weekend's (non-internetty) goals included:

1. Get some much needed stitchery done. A little preview of something new, I'm so terribly excited about this new project. : D

2. Try to keep the kittens from suffocating in the 95+ degree weather. It must be tough to wear a fur coat when it's so hot out.

And since I failed at Fashion Friday, here's a look at what I wore to the wedding. I think it's funny to note, since I'm way short, and this dress is way short, it's entirely possible it's actually a shirt, and not a dress at all.
PS - I'm so happy to read your responses to this post. And here's the answer to a couple of queries:
#7 I am not sure what to get yet. I have a couple of ideas, but I'm so not going to rush into anything here. I mean, it took me 3 years to talk myself into a navel piercing (now gone).
#8 for my dear international readers, "guns" refers to one's arm muscles. Typically stated while flexing and air kissing one's bicep. I used to have decently toned arms, but it's fallen to the wayside.
#9 I have no idea where I'm going to go yet. Suggestions?
#8 for my dear international readers, "guns" refers to one's arm muscles. Typically stated while flexing and air kissing one's bicep. I used to have decently toned arms, but it's fallen to the wayside.
#9 I have no idea where I'm going to go yet. Suggestions?
{ so now that we're caught up...how was your weekend? }
You looks so pretty in that dress...and the shoes fit so well....hahahah your hubby looks really pleased with himself on that photo...Sounds like a fun wedding...I cant wait to hear more about your new project!
Kisses and wish you a cooler Monday:)
i LOVE being unplugged on the weekeneds - it's almost my rule of thumb - get back to the basics, have fun, and relax!
HAHHAHA Sam cracks me up. That totally could have been a shirt...oh well its still not as short as "short dress day"
you look lovely in that dress, even if it might be a shirt :D
& love the stitching going on.
all that jibber-jabber about your messy cursive was silly! that looks good! and I can definitely tell it is an "F" :p
p.s....nice shirt! you looked great!
i'm sorry about your internet. i feel the same. mine is now down. it's so frustrating!
♥ allisterbee.blogspot.com
You're hot girly! I don't think i've seen a pic of you before:-). You sure wear that "shirt" well. Thanks for the vote of confidence re my future prospects in the furniture
business:-). xo
Oh you look so cute and yes, your Hubbers looks very happy :)
I usually have self enforced no comp. Sundays and I love the sense of freedom it gives me, but unfortunately the whole summer I seem to have been on the comp. way too much :(
I love your list, I love motor bikes and got my provisional Licence but never followed thru ended up buying a jag instead :)
Hope you are staying cool :) T.
i love that wedding pic - so funny :)
I love your dress (and shoes of course)! and that wedding picture is fabulous! Just catching up... I love your list! Only 3 states to go? I'm impressed! Weekends here... all wedding, all the time... not much in the way of excitement lately. Two months to go!
a few things here:
a- i totally can't wait to see what that new project is! i may have to purchase one ;)
b- sam looks hilarious! he's totally big pimpin'.
c- woah legs! i can't believe that's a shirt, but really, you're tiny and it's tiny...so,it's probably not meant to be worn sans bottoms. either way, you look smokin!
your embroidery project is so awesome and impressive! I love it, the way you made it your own! and to be quite honest, sometime I wish my internet were down so I would be more productive!! :(
i think ya look grand and the hubs is super duper happy!!
poor kitties...chef and i worry about ours too and i always say to them, sucks to have a fur coat in the heat my friends!
Gosh I would love to have some of your heat... But really happy mediums are always better, aren't they? I love your dress and whole outfit! You look so pretty!
Looks like a great weekend! I enjoyed myself at the Cape :) It's nice to have some peace and quiet without technology every once and a while!
xo Lynzy
LOL ! If you can carry off wearing a shirt as a dress ( and certainly by the picture you can ) who cares ! You go girl !!! : )
You look fab, who cares if it's a shirt!
hahaha it's entirely possible it's a shirt. hehehe. love it :]
lol, your husband does look rather pleased with himself, what a great pic. Also love the dress even if it may be a shirt!
I like the looks of the project preview, can't wait to see more x