Monday, June 27th
It's hard to believe, but I got a little sun burned this weekend.
We finally hit a lovely mid 70s summer day,
and the hubbers and I spent the whole thing hanging out on the patio.
The girls were pretty jealous.
Speaking of silly kittehs....
...have you seen this??
It kills me!
{ how was your weekend? }
I love the video!!! Hilarious! Your Kittehs are the Ying/Yang of Kitteh Love!!!! hahahaha
awe - i can't view the video here. not at work. :( i will watch it later! love the picture of your kitties!!
♥ allister bee blog
oh my! that video!!! :D your kitties are so darn cute.
that video is awesome! the cat's like "oh no, someone's watching, i better meow again!"
i love that video! my niece was showing it to me on friday..hilarious!
such a silly kitty! on sunday i went down south to santa cruz and did a really great job applying sunscreen...oh so i thought and totally got burnt on my upper thigh near my hip! man i was so close to having a burnt free weekend! hehe