Monday, June 6th
Hi! This is Heather from a measure of... writing an adventure post for Kelli today while she enjoys a happy anniversary with the hubbers.We live a lot farther away from good hiking trails than I'd like to. But the Sunol-Ohlone regional wilderness is a pretty fun place with a wonderful visitor's center that is home to a few bat families. Though they are a bit too fast and crepuscular to photograph.
On our last trip I found this pretty bug and shot it (with my camera) for Kelli--though I didn't know it was for Kelli at the time.
Since we've been having so much rain--um, really, come on June in California, WTH?--everything is still pretty green (and pink).
The cows dig it.
The trees dig it.
Hikers on the horizon dig it.
Even the bridge triangles dig it.
What are you diggin'?
Love those cows! We're finally having some nice weather up the coast from you in Vancouver... I love the sunshine and blue skies, it really makes you feel alive. :)
these photos are so pretty! they make me want to run through a meadow!
i'm digging these pictures for sure! i love the GREENness of them=)
Your beautiful photos :) T.
Thank you for having me Kelli! I'm still just trying to keep afloat here. Things will thankfully calm down after Friday! Whew! Glad you're back!
i completely dig this.
thank you for a beautiful, thoughtful guest post, heather! <3