Monday, May 9th
This weekend Panda and I went to Etysrain's Spring Craft Show.
We showed up early enough to score sweet swag bags...
...and then loaded up on delicious sugar snacks from ThisCharmingCandy.
I may have also made a similiarly awesome pillow mine....
( There was plaid involved. I can't be held responsible for my actions. )
I happened to catch it just at this moment.
{ what did you get up to? }
Pssssssssst! - anyone interested in doing some guest posting here? i'm looking for posts for next friday, monday and tuesday. holla at me ---> if you're down!
aww I'm bummed I missed the big show! Especially because I need more Birthday Cake lollipops!!!
Oh my gosh I must have some of those lollis! I'm heading over there now. That pillow is super cute.
You Are My Favorite
You made that pillow!? It's beautiful! Congrats on the counter # too:-)