Wednesday, May 11th
Time to update my plaid obsession wardrobe for summer.
"SUPAYANA spring 2011 tie top- rainy day plaid" by supayana
A sweet and subtle plaid top. I love the neckline. So flattering!
"vintage summer picnic tote" by edababe
Picnic time! Mount Rainier National Park, anyone?
"Vintage French 2 in. Red, White & Blue Plaid Ribbon" by 6pence
Deliciously French. I want to tie a piece in my hair.
"Pastel Plaid Silk Slides" by missfarfalla
I want to wear these with a poofy pink summer dress. I...don't know why.
"Blue and Brown Plaid Spring Circle Scarf" by piprobins
Yes, I definitely need a nice lightweight summer scarf. Definitely
{ do you like plaid for summer? }
Pssssssssst! - I know I've said this before, but it's different this time I swear.
I'm looking for anyone who might be interested in doing a guest post in June.
You in? Hit me up at .
loverly shoes! i think plaid is good anytime of the year :) especially in seattle!
i love plaid! i am eyeing this dress on the spotted moth that is 30% off! might need to grab that cutie!
I love the top - it's such a fresh take on plaid with the neckline and soft colors - beautiful!!
Plaid is fantastic and I would love to wear that scarf right now! Its so pretty:) Have a lovely afternoon, sunshine
yay for that first top and that circle scarf! you know i'd go picnicking with you in a heartbeat if i were closer! mt ranier is on our list!
oh plaid. i have a love for plaid as well. that circle scarf is awesome.
watchoo want a guest post about? i'd help a girl out.
p.s. have you heard of that iou project that it's making the rounds? plaid galore!
i LOVe that scarf! i just might have to have it!!!
♥ allister bee blog
That bag is so adorbs and perfect for summer!
Very cute :)
What do you think of this plaid :)
I was so excited when you told me about your Poppies :) Mine are just leaves, no buds yet :)
I hope it stops raining before they flower, they were so bashed last year I didn't get to take too many photos of them :(
Have a lovely evening, T. :)
i love the last plaid scarf!!! it's so crisp and very summertime. love it all!
CUTE! I love that bag!
I tend to look like and old conservative librarian very easy, so I've always run the other way from plaid. ..but that scarf is calling my name!
You Are My Favorite
I LOVE that bag!
These plaids are amazing! I love that ribbon.
P.S: I'm hosting an amazing Fischer's dress Giveaway Reloaded today! Don't miss it!
Kisses, sweetie
ARG! Don't remind me that I need to actually buy a summer wardrobe! For too long I got stuck in the "get stuff you can layer for several seasons and make sure you can wear it to work" rut, leaving me with very little in the way of "play clothes." It's rather disheartening, my wardrobe. Maybe I DO need some lovely plaid pieces to spruce up my warm weather gear.
i do love plaid. the scarf is pretty snazzy too:-). hope all is well with ya!:-) XX
Ooh, nice and fresh! I had't really thought of it as a summer thing but this is great.
I love plaid for summer.... oh just looking at all these things you've found, makes me really want to go shopping!