Thank goodness overcast days look like this here.

elliot bay

Otherwise I think I'd have lost my mind by now.

{ are you a fan of moody skies? }

To answer your question...


... this was inside*.

{ I think she got tricky with the box size, don't you? }

* Thanks, Mom! <3

This really isn't a great photo
( I was patient enough to snap a quick pic but not so patient to stage it properly ),
but is my mom not the best present wrapper ever?

pretty little present

In. awe.

{ i love fancy packaging, don't you? }

It's no secret that the hubbers and I are currently obsessed with the BBC.

And now that we've run through all of Doctor Who, Torchwood and Sherlock Holmes....

...Top Gear!

I don't care much about cars, but this is single handedly one of the funniest things I've ever seen on television.  So if you're in need of some serious lolz today, set aside 7.5 minutes and check this out.

( Sorry for the commercial, but that's the only way I could get this clip in one go. )

{ tell me, did you lol?   don't lie to me, i'll know. }

Braids in my hair,  seed bead jewelry,  an ikat scarf on order...

Click the photo for more, man.

... here's to trends I'd never thought I'd try.

{ what are you unexpectedly groovin' on? }

I can't believe how fast this summer is going by.

"Clan bear brave" by RoyalMint

If you can't tell, I've recently returned to full time work. 
I think it's been nearly a year since I've done the 9-5 thing, and I'm still trying to adapt.

"Table Top Forest Terrarium" by CaptainCat

So a big fat "I'm Sorry For Sucking At Blog" to my wonderful followers and to those blogs I normally stalk.  I need to get my crap together and figure out a posting system that doesn't have me waking up at 5am.
And now I need to go find out what Max is whining about so persistently.
 (See? My blog isn't the only thing I neglect, it seems.  Sigh. ) 
{ what's keeping you busy these days? }
Pssssssst! - the pics have nothing to do with anything.  just awesome Etsy things I love.

Food + (outdoors * sunshine) = my weekend.

It was awesome.

Click the photo for more picnicky goodness.

{ how was yours? }