Wednesday, May 26, 2010

HUZZAH, i'm in a treasury

After a horrid commute into work this morning, what do I find but a little bit of "oh, JOY!" in my Etsy inbox....I'm in a Treasury! :{D

The awesome mujoyas featured my bird's nest brooch in the treasury 

(which, coincidentally, is what i really needed to do anyway...)

Be sure to click the link for a closer look, leave some love for mujoyas, and check out her awesome shop!

{ thanks, mu! }


  1. ooh the traffic was horrendus! so glad I can take the back roads!

    congrats on another treasury! you are on a roll!

  2. hey lovey - just wanted to tell ya - i SOMEHOW hit "reject" on ur comment - but i cut and paste it into the post - SORRY LOVEY! - u know i'd never reject ya *hugs* for forgivness :o)

    ~Tiptoe Butterfly~

  3. That tee is so sweet! Wow....congrats, sweetie!
    So great! So happy for you!
    Kisses and have a great afternoon!

  4. COngrats! + love these etsy picks!
    Hope you're having a beautiful week so far!


Thank you for leaving me a comment! I read them all, and they brighten my day. :)