Thursday, May 27, 2010

crave + rave: carnival love

Ok, ok - I'm a day late on this one (I got a little tied up in treasury-land, you know how it is). But I didn't forget!

I know this theme is getting little done-to-death, but hey, it's FAIR season, and I can't wait to go. And now, for your browsing pleasure.....

 "The Octopus Dance" by Stoopidgerl

I am completely in love with this print. Actually, I'm in love with most of Stoopidgerl's shop. Bright colors, silly themes -- what's not to like? Seriously, pop in if you're in need of a smile. :)

A search for small paper bags turned up these cuties from HeyYoYo. These adorable little bags send my mind on a fantastical journey into circus-land...

 "Ooooh", indeed! This little guy looks like he'd fit right in at the carnival. The detail-work is just amazing, and look! A tiny top hat! So cute! (ps - go check out The Bearded Lady at contemori, too!)

Step right up, and get your ticket to.....whatever you wish! Can you imagine the wonders these tickets would admit you to? 

Show your 'carnival love' with this cheeky little headband. I love the color combination. It's so cute, it makes me reconsider chopping off all my hair this summer....:P

{ now i want some popcorn...}



  1. awe - this is SUCH a fun post - i love it all!!!

    ~Tiptoe Butterfly~

  2. Hooray for carnivals and rides! Boo for whiplash! hehe I love fair time. Especially the smell of the grilled onions...mmmmm! But I'm more of a traditional fair girl, not the "fried twinkie" kind. :p

    love the little "OOOH" guy!

  3. soo cute! .. Love the print :)

  4. What fun little blog post! Thanks for including my print! :-)

  5. amazing!!!! thank you very much! my little guy is veeeeeery happy!!

  6. That post made my day...So fun! I adore the peanut cute!
    Kisses and enjoy your day my lovely:)

  7. oh good gracious this post made me so happy, i've done probably 5 carnival/circus posts in the last couple weeks haha and i even put on a fundraiser carnival last weekend, SO fun :)

    love love your blog!


  8. so glad you all enjoyed these cute things. they made me smile as well. :)


Thank you for leaving me a comment! I read them all, and they brighten my day. :)