Tuesday, June 01, 2010

spread the happy

Oh me, oh my, oh cherry pie -- the kind and lovely Erika of Tiptoe Butterfly has so kindly given me a blog award! Her wonderful list of 'top 10 happy things' brought a smile to my face. Check it out, if you haven't already. :)

And because now I'm oh so HAPPY, here is my list, in no particular order:

{ Top Ten Happies }

1.  perfume

 I am a junkie. I'll admit it. I have (easily) 20 bottles on my bathroom counter right now. I think I must have a fairly sensitive nose, because I can't stand to be around even mildly unpleasant smells. My new *love* is this Sunshine perfume by Smell Bent. I bought it at the amazing Knows Perfumes in West Seattle, a new little shop owned by a lovely lady who is passionate about what she does. Amazing.


 I am almost 100% guaranteed to be happier than usual, when wearing a dress. There's just something inherently flouncy and fun about all that swirly, twirly fabric. I can't remember a time when I've worn a cute little dress, and been blue. Even at work. Whoa.

3. completing a project

This little guy was one of the first tiny clay things I'd had in mind to make, and going from visualization to completion was no small feat. He was TUFF to make, but when I was finished, I had this gloriously satisfied feeling: I had MADE exactly what I'd seen in my HEAD. (Plus I am a notorious for having dozens of things going at once....many of which never see that light at the end of the tunnel, so it's always a wonderful feeling to say 'HUZZAH, I'm DONE!)

4. disney world!

Yup, I know it's a cliche, and I don't care! Disney World is where the hubbers and I can let the kids we are on the inside, run around all hopped on sugar and plaaaay! We spent our honeymoon here, and it was truly the happiest four days. And we are busy plotting and planning our trip back one day....

5. when the hubbers laughs so hard he cries...

... it kills me. He actually says: "oooooh HOO hoo hoo....HEE HEE HEE HEE!" How can you witness this and not be happy?

6. eating outside

I dunno know why, but everything tastes better when eaten out under the sky. I love being a summer baby because I can almost always count on having a BBQ birthday. Sunshine + burgers + pals = the happiest of times.

7. road trips!

Give me the open road, and you'll have a happy girl. It doesn't matter where I'm headed, because it's the trip to get there that makes me happy. What's around that next bend? Dunno. Shall we take this little detour? Of course! I had a wonderful summer where I traveled across the country 3 times. It took forever, and it is still one of my happiest memories.

8. lolcats

Yeah.....I know. But.....u can haz happyniss!

9. unexpectedly kind people

In my growed up day job, I work with the public, providing a service that is most times either astoundingly boring or awfully stressful. When I run into folks who are just plain kind for kindness sake (or funny or sweet or awesome), it completely and totally makes my day. It makes me happy enough to do this job, that I can shake off all the crab-apples out there.

10. blogging, bloggers, blogs!

This may be last, but it's certainly not least. No one has been more surprised than I to discover how Happy blogging has made me. And it's all because of you! The readers, the bloggers, the commentors, the teachers (cuz yes, I'm still a Noob) -- you all have turned this experiment into a wonderful experience for me. I am happy to tip-tap-type my way through the morning these days. So much that I find myself missing it on the weekends.

On that note, I'd love to pass this award on to just a few of the wonderful blogs that have spread the happy and put a smile on my face. I'll stick to to ten (otherwise this post will never end!)

Just accept your award, and post to your readers 10 things that make you happy.
:{D Spread the happy!

{ what makes YOU happy? }


  1. awww well congrats on your award and thanks for mine!! i think soon you'll be able to add "craft shows" to your list!!

    and who couldn't be happy from LOLcats?! all LOLanimals are hilarious!!

  2. oh i love dresses :)
    AND my dad, only rarely, will laugh so hard he cries and it's probably my favorite thing in the world :)

    love your blog!


  3. Great list! Thanks for tagging me on this I am so excited to do it! Also excited to check out the other blogs you tagged...thanks.

  4. this post put a smile on my face :) .. thank you so much for including me ..

  5. Congrats on your blog award, that is awesome :)

    Hubbers laughing 'til he cries, priceless :) T.

  6. Aww geez! Thanks so much for including my blog. This made me mighty happy indeed!
    And cheers to wearing purty dresses!
    Can't wait to check out the other blogs . . . .

  7. you have always loved being in dresses as for the perfume addiction its our thing to love

    glad you like being a summer baby your birthdays were the easiest to plan

    route 66 forever in our hearts and the dent in the van

  8. I love your list! Thanks for including me...I'm looking forward to sharing my 10 happies! =)

  9. Thank you Kelli!!!!!
    Will put my list together sometime this week!


  10. Love it! Congrats on award and thanks for mine :) I have a feeling our lists may be a little similar! This will be a fun topic to write about. Thank you!!!

  11. Congrats sweetie..so happy for you!!! Well done:)
    That is such a beautiful post:)
    Have a great day and see you soon:)

  12. look at youuu and your blogroll!! i loves it!

  13. EKKKKKKKKK = i LOVE ur 10 list!!!!! - u SO deserve it sweetie! - and like u i have a crazy assortment of perfumes (maybe a bit too many, nah who we kidding?!) ..

    *kiss kiss*
    ~Tiptoe Butterfly~

  14. thanks all! this was super fun. :P

    and thanks again, miss erika butterfly!!!

  15. you are too sweet. now i have to find some time to make my happiness list. thankssss!!!


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