Monday, May 10, 2010

adventures in yard maintenance

It's been about six months since the hubbers and I moved into our first home. 


We bought a newly constructed home, so we've had to build our yard up from dirt, rocks (oh, so many rocks) and weeds. 

We decided to hydroseed our entire yard about a month ago, and yesterday the grass was finally due for it's first mowing. 

Before mowing, I grudgingly realized I would have to do something about the invading army of weeds that were threatening a complete occupation of our back lawn.

About two hours into this process of digging, pulling, cursing, yanking, sweating and having dirt fly into my face, I was only about a quarter of the way done with the back lawn. And I couldn't help myself. I thought: "I've made a huge mistake."  (10 bonus points for quote identification.)

But at the end of a VERY long afternoon, where I gave entirely too much thought to how clever these little weeds are (with their tricky root systems, and attempts to disguise themselves as unusually long strands of grass) I was very pleased with the outcome. Except for the lower back pain.

{ ouchers. }


  1. it looks beeee-autiful! if my toe wasn't so jacked up, I'd get out and do mine. the weeds are turning into trees!

  2. thanks!
    oh dude, those weeds were SO bad too! way long root systems (i know i didn't get them all), and now my fingers are yucky looking. i need to get some cute garden gloves i think.


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